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March 7 2012 3 07 /03 /March /2012 14:43

(Have gone back n forth about qualifying this thot-jot, but a phone call decided it for me. This was about someone a long time ago, but is applicable to a current friend; a friend I do not know how to help, but would like to see garner some self-esteem. She's married to a good friend--who is one of the good guys, but is foundering in the marriage. Any advice, insight, or thoughts would be appreciated)


Sadness envelops me; a sadness stemming from feelings of ineffectualness. I am used to solving problems; problems others may have spent years seeking solutions to no avail, I often have found clearly solvable. Problems mostly rooted in the inanimate, the intellectual, and the mundane.


As I grow, I find the solutions to problems—as defined by my peers—to be of little import outside the context of that very tiny venue. The patents I hold, the products I have developed, the problems I solved, the awards received, the recognition given, and the honors bestowed, now are riff with the patina of dissatisfaction.


What good is it having a genius i.q. when I cannot seem to solve problems of the psyche? Should not I know more about the innermost workings of the human mind, considering I am human? How is it I can look without and see so clearly, then look within through a glass darkly? Frustrating just barely catches the edge of how I am feeling.


I have sat in quiet introspection for many, many years, pondering my past actions, my past experiences, my past successes, and my past failures. I felt I had come to some reasonably accurate assessments of who I was, who I am, and who I desire to become. I believe I have learned from this introspection and will be a better person, a better father, a better friend, and a better husband, from the lessons learned. Yet, I fear I may fail due to my enthusiasm.


I have been blessed to meet the singularly most beautiful woman any man could hope for. She is pretty, with a smile that goes forever—reaching into my soul and brightening it to previously unfelt heights; eyes that look into you and see you, and at the same time open windows into the depths of her heart; and an amazing strength of character. Everyday I find something more about her to cherish, to respect, to love. That such an amazing creature would allow me into her life still surprises me. Not that I have a low self-image, but I am still in awe that she is giving me a part of her busy, busy life.


And therein lays the problem that has thrown as has no other in my life: how can I help her see herself through my eyes? She does not see her beauty, her strength, her compassion, her worth. In her life she has had the misfortune to choose some really unsupportive, un-giving, unloving people. Mistreated, self-worth reflected in distorted mirrors thrust before her, and barrage after barrage of disrespectful, distrustful, accusatorial, and hateful talk.


Anyone have any ideas? Any suggestions? Any answers? Or. as usual, do I allow time and fumbling mistakes hopefully give the answer to me?

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  • : poetry-doggeral-et-al's name
  • : A mix of poetry, doggeral (intentionally mispelled (sic) as it IS doggerel), stories, familial stuff, and disjointed thoughts, posted to hopefully elicit dailogue(s), arguments, and/or a reader's ideas, poetry, etc. It is not polished, not especially literate, certainly not universal--sorry, it is just me.
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  • poetry-doggeral-et-al
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.

NOTE--Please Read

For specific interests, please click on specific interest(s) found in category box below "Links"  on right side, below.

Poetry and Doggeral: Ken's poetry

Stories and Fables: Ken's Prose

Thot-Jots: Ken's ramblings on various things

Family: Ken's biographical and autobiographical items--probably of little interest to non-family, maybe not even them.

Other categories: self-evident--I hope


You may notice some refreshingly different poetry on the blog. It is from a friend of mine who goes by Eyeshy

My ex-son-in-law, David, has been published here, now, as well.

Another newby: happybluetoes. She writes glimpses, short stories, and poetry. Welcome her with a comment.

Neominini has his first contribution on the blog. If you like his songs please do two things: enter a comment at the end of the article, and go to links down on right side of Home Page and go to his web-site, where you can listen to his music. Enjoy. 

Elisha Kayne--a published author has kindly contributed to the blog. Check her out.


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My personal favorites:

The Girl With the Cheshire Grin--absolutely my current "kc" favorite poem(?)

In My Soul (poetry-doggeral)

Camelot (poetry-doggeral)

Rain (a friend's poetry)

Cathedral (thot jots)

Mystic Window 1&2 (poetry-doggeral)

Do ye ken

The Kiss

Why do I tremble

Miranda--a work in-process