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May 23 2012 3 23 /05 /May /2012 06:16

Rather than an internal digression, I thought I would incorporate an interlude between Chaos Parts 1 and 2. If only I had done a prelude, I could then add a couple more interludes, and make it a symphony. Problem with that is symphonies are usually in four parts and include an allegro—opening sonata—which are fast, lively, and bright; even the adagio—the slow, stately movement is only partly there, and yes, I am saying slow, but not too stately…. In fact, my writing probably falls into lento or maybe larghissimo—slow-to-very slow. And this has absolutely nothing to do with what I am writing about… so possibly I should have used the term non sequitur in lieu of interlude.


Onward to the subject: orderliness in the Universe. It would seem to me that even the range, in size of physical matter iterates this order. If I may omit such theorized things as quantum foam, at ~10-35m, or the estimated size of the Universe, 1027 m, I find something of interest. I threw these two out, as both are unknowns and greatly skew the curve….

Using the smallest “known” particle, the neutrino (outside the radius of the quark), at

10-24 m, and the distance across the known Universe at 1026 m, I find this a highly unlikely ratio in a Universe where chaos may exist. If placed on a graph, the smallest and the largest known “sizes” are but a factor of 10 of being equidistant from the origin 0,0, otherwise known as the intersection of the XY-axis. And this 10-factor, in my opinion may not even exist, it may be nothing more than an error factor in mathematics when attempting to measure so far from the origin, or it may even be predicated on a faulty origin.


Measuring so far from the origin (btw—the origin used is a meter), would neither space-time curvature, or fractals, have a likely effect on measuring a size, or entropy, itself? This could account for the slight distance variant we see on the X-axis. Or choosing a meter as the unit for measurement may have been an erroneous choice. Yet, a 10-factor difference is negligible for a span measuring a combined 1050 units of any size. Oh…backing up a bit. Does anyone, other than me, find it quite coincidental, that a meter—a measurement not much from the size of a man—is  right square in the middle of the largest to the smallest physical objects, within the entirety of our physical realm?


Choosing to accept these measurements within the margin(s) of error noted is a choice I have made. I chose this side partly because I cannot ascertain any finite way to arrive at these numbers, but more likely, because it supports my idiosyncratic thesis regarding the orderliness of the Universe. Symmetry such as this cries out order, not chaos.


Entropy, fractals, and singularity will be in future parts of “Chaos”. Something to anticipate—more meanderings of a muddled mind.

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May 22 2012 2 22 /05 /May /2012 09:52

Chaos is not chaotically defined--pretty straight forward, in fact. Below are the four main definitions.


1) (biblical usage) a chasm or abyss.

2) any state of confusion or disorder.

3) a lack of intelligible pattern or combination.

4) (Chaos Theory) a branch of mathematics and physics that deals with certain nonlinear dynamical systems.


I will leave the theological scholars to play with the first definition, but I will play with the remaining three defintions, Oh yes, I will ! I may wander overr to Singularity Theory, maybe even Fractals. The beauty of ignorance is I can expound on most anything, regardless of knowledge, experience, or anything more than surface-familiarity.


The capsule thoughts on the above:

2) The Universe is orderly, any perseption otherwise, or confusion, is in the eye of the beholder.

3) The Universe is all patterns and combinations, it is just some patterns are outside our "intelligible" wherewithal to be understood.

4) Chaos Theory is our attempt to align the Universe to and to make it fit, our level of understanding, rather than an a true viewing of the Universe.


My problem is Chaos Theory, is used to describe the "chaos", rather than perceive the actuality. I hope it turns out that it will self-destruct once it does not get a handle on these seemingly abstract patterns. And maybe that is why it is embraced now, as I have discovered, in my chemical career, things that do not work often give us more insight into what may. Early in my career, if a new product came easily, I gave it to marketing to take out to customers. Oft-times feedbgack was not as good as anticipated, and the product was re-worked until it met approval. As time went on, I bagan to notice that as new products, that kept hitting walls during development, gave me a more in-depth understanding of the product, and that once these products hit the market, they were usually readily accepted. I beleive failures that lead to success are far better teachers than initial surface-success. SO, again, I am hoping the ultimate failure of Chaos Theory will lead us closer to seeing the orderliness of our Universe.


A small digression, if I may, and since this is my babble, I can do this.... Man is exceedingly arrogant. Most theologians will promote, one form or another, of "God's" creation of the universe, of the Earth, and of man; they will then proceed to teach us "God's" desires as to how man is to live, think, and feel; they describe Heaven and Hell and tell us how we get there, how we will be treated, once there, and rewards or punishments we will receive. Sorry, but to claim to know the mind of "God" is the penultimate in arrogance to me. And I am know finding our mathematicians and physicists somewhat similar in bearing to these theologians, preaching their take on the Universe.


So bottom-line: There is no chaos, other than that harboring in ignorant minds. The Universe is orderly, pure, and the epitome of intelligible creation. The singularly most accepted proponents of chaos are those we see as incredibly intelligent, using the esoteric (arcane) tools of mathematics and physics, and by doing so, are creating a limited reality for mankind to exist within. As does the child emulate the father, so shall the children of the Universe. I find it detrimental to perceive the Universe as chaotic; it allows us to enthusiastically follow in pursuit. As we embrace chaos, we promulgate and foment chaos, and as an integral part of the Universe, we will become a cancerous lesion, to be excised. The idea: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" will decree an orderly Universe to dispense with us. It is not so much the Universe will, with volition, erase us, it is more like there is no place in order for disorder or chaos, and as such we will just no longer be part of it. We might want to hope that "string theory" encompasses Universes of chaos, and some strains will continue on.






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May 19 2012 6 19 /05 /May /2012 22:05

     I have been thinking about the soul of a person. We throw around the term soul-mate with great abandon; we sometimes say: "I looked into his/her soul..."; or we deem the reprehensible actions of some miscreant as "soul-less". It seems as if a soul can be blamed, cherished, found, lost, etc, depending upon how we perceive a person's actions, and/or the language they use. Some even claim they can see the aura of a person's soul, that this aura is indicative of the "type" of soul within that person, and that a person's actions is determined by this "soul-typing". It appears to be commonly accepted that the soul is a determinant for a person's character, as well as subsequent actions of said person. We also often use the term soul and the term spirit interchangeable. I find none of the foregoing computing in my brain, or consistent with my feeble mind. Not saying I am right and others are wrong, merely, I find this not fitting my perceptions of the Universe.


     My knowledge of the Universe is, of course, limited. How could it not be? My perception(s) of the Universe a bit more filled in by a combination of my limited knowledge, a lifetime of observations, and, I believe, a desire to see it the way I do. So, in truth, my perceptions are definitely slanted by both faith and optimistically conceived hope. So, do not expect any grand enlightenment, any great awakening, or a new philosophy to hang onto; it is nothing more than a glimpse of Ken Coleman's thoughts and conclusions (conclusions subject to change as time goes on).


     I see the Universe as a whole, an unending tapestry, woven with a continuous thread made of bosons--no "space", no shorts, no interruptions of any type; where in this universal aspect, we are linearly connected to each and every thing comprising this universe via bosons, and when this universe is within the context of the Multi-verse, we are directly connected to each and every thing via bosons. To try to clarify a bit: in the first half of the statement, we connect to a boson, which connects to another boson--ad infinitum--and creates a "path" to every thing in the Universe; in the second half of the statement, looking at the Multi-verse, we simultaneously connect to each boson, and thus are directly both part and parcel of every thing in existence (some qualifications of the word "existence" will eventually follow, as I figure out how to translate it into linear language).


     Seems to be a long, cunbersome path to my thoughts regarding what I believe to be the soul, but I thought an excerpt from my essay, Integrating the Universe and the Multi-verse, might set some groundwork upon which to explain my concept of the soul.


     The soul is the essence of our energy that interfaces with the Multi-verse; the part of us that connects to all creation. We can access neither our own soul or the soul of another while we are participating within the constraints of this linear Universe and are forced to rely on our rational hemisphere to gather and dessiminate information. We get glimpses as the spatial hemisphere shares surreal images with our left brain, via the Corpus Colassum--just enough to allow us to get a small sense of the Multi-verse, the infinite mansion in which our Universe is but a small room. We need this glimpse to give us hope. It is this miniscule glimpse that forms our spirit, as it shades the linear imprints we take on as we develop.


     I see the spirit as our interface with this Universe, connecting us all in a much smaller sense to one another. To me, the soul and the spirit are similar, but on an infinitely different level. The soul is inherently both Creator and Creation, and as such, is infinite and eternal, whereas the spirit constantly evolves as we gather more and nore imprints and tint them with the glimpses we are shown. The spirit is what allows us to act heroically, with mediocrity, or with shame. It all depends on how we choose to receive and interpret our imprints throughout life.

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May 18 2012 5 18 /05 /May /2012 18:04

           Intimacy: many, if not, most men do not really understand; sadly, many women are starting to buy into the colloquial usage of this word, and in my opinion, incorrect usage of the word. To so many the idea of intimacy is tied with sex—a minor physical manifestation of but one facet of this wonderful state two souls entwining on a spiritual level.

            Too many people, the act of telling someone some deep, dark secret is intimacy; too others it is physical closeness, such as holding hands; and to others the mundane act of living together; and a cornucopia of such shallowness, ad infinitum.

            The above may well be correct in the eyes of the world, but I take exception to these superficial views of, what I consider, the ultimate expression of love, and the only way to communicate soul-to-soul.

            Sex requires only one person, though usually involves one or more partners, and the act usually brings a transitory pleasure—again, to one or more people. Telling a secret(s), or confession(s) at any level, is no more than the sharing of confidential information, not entirely unlike filling out a loan application, and can bring about pleasure, guilt, relief, or any of a hundred emotions, usually transitory. Holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing, etc, is a pleasurable affirmation of physical affection, with the pleasure fading as the contact discontinues. And, believe me, two people can live together and never even look for intimacy, much less, experience it.

            I am not trying to diminish any of the above examples, I am just saying, that by themselves, these do not reflect intimacy—closeness, usually, intimacy, rarely when by themselves.

            Intimacy can only travel a road paved with love, whether love for one’s self, one’s God, one’s friends, one’s family, one’s significant other. The road paved with love reaches the innermost depths of a being, our soul, and intimacy is the communing of souls. Love is the only thing that truly reaches the soul and most of us realize that, at some level. We will even refer to a person, who through their actions, exhibit a remarkable lacking of love, or even more so, a remarkable penchant for expressing evil—we will label them “soulless”. So, cognizant, or not, we do know that the soul is love incarnate (I know the soul is not a physical manifestation, but I will take literary licensure to express it as such), and that as such, it takes a love-imbued connection to bring two souls into contact—hence, my construction of the love-paved highway.

            In my opinion, pleasure stems from physical sensory input; happiness from intellectual concepts we find agreeable; joy radiates from the soul and permeates our entire being. Naïve, I may be. If so, and it is said: “Ignorance is bliss”, and I wish to stay ecstatic, if I can possibly do so.

            So, I will continue on, believing that the simple act of rubbing a loved one’s feet is an act of intimacy, and an expression of love that far surpasses sex. I am, in no way, meaning to minimize or degrade sex, but certainly believe it is exponentially better when between two people who are truly intimate.

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May 11 2012 5 11 /05 /May /2012 16:39

We have all heard "Blah-Blah" had a heart attack; "Blah-Blah" had his second/third/etc heart attack; "Blah-Blah" died from a heart attack; if you don't quit ____(fill in the blank), you'll have a heart attack. Bullshit! Your heart is not some sadistic entity, living within you, skulking around with the desire to attack you. It is a marvelous feat of organic engineering that pumps blood around and around--and does it non-stop for decades, usually without maintenance. It is also a very maligned organ, accused of attacking and killing people....


The heart does not attack, it reacts to attacks upon itself; its "warfare' is almost always self-defense. It is we, who attack the heart. We suffocate it with fatty deposits; we do our best to thicken the blood it pumps, or constrict the pipelines it has to force the blood through; we do not keep our bodies in even a reasonable state, then expect the heart to keep the blood circulating throughout; we give it insufficient rest time; ad infinitum. Then when the heart just can't keep up, we accuse it of attacking us...!


Just another example of our lack of accountability and penchant for scape-goaterie. We screw up and then lay blame outside ourselves ("ourselves" being our mind) and accuse the poor heart of attacking us. Somewhere inside ourselves we must feel this absolves us from responsibility and once again, we can be a poor victim.


I am taking a stand: I attacked my heart for many years and recently it cried out in reactive pleas for help. It did not attack me, it simply cried out a warning. Now it is up to me to take heed and treat it better, or will I turn my head, and await the day that my vicious, ungrateful heart, slips from the shadows and attacks me? Time will tell....

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May 6 2012 7 06 /05 /May /2012 01:17
"I have woven a carpet with threads I spun from my dreams, my beliefs, my desires, and my love. I spread it before you on a bed of hope, and pray you will walk softly across it, into my waiting arms".
This is a FaceBook entry of mine--recent, but reminiscent of many, many others. With many of these others, and with this one, as well, I have had different friends and family tell me I am trying too hard to find love; that it will come when it is ready; desperation is a turn-off; I will have to become good alone before another will join me. I wondered why all the input; why all the advice; why all the concern I am not happy; why all the (fill in the blank).
To begin with: I am not especially unhappy because I live alone. I am not all that unhappy that I am currently not sharing my life with a significant other. Neither am I particularly pleased with living alone, nor with being sans partner. I merely am, as are so many. No, I am unhappy with other aspects of my life, much more so than my current relationship status. I will not bore any of my readers with particulars other than to say my "golden years" feel a bit more like my "rust years". I feel like I am lost at sea, rudderless, no compass, no radio, overcast hidng stellar navigation--if I even knew what the heck that means--and a fogbank coming in fast. I see no direction in my life...well...untrue, I see mostly a boring downhill journey ahead of me.
This said mayhaps my blog readers will better understand the following part of this soul-baring post. The above FB entry was not written with any woman, what-so-ever, in mind. The above was going to be a prelude into a series of cantos wherein Death was being welcomed into the arms of a lonely, mishapened, romantic, of indeterminant years. May there be some similarities? Should be, as art often comes from a synthesis of the without and the within. One must understand what he is depicting with his art and one cannot understand without using personal experience, imprints, and filters, so, of course, there will be similarities to me.
It is partially, if not mostly, due to the concerns and worries voiced by so many who care for or love me, that I am considering closing down the blog. If I keep the writing to myself, I can't worry others...though I will lose some of the fun of the writing, itself. It came to a head for me when I started "Miranda". As "Miranda" progresses I can see a whole new can of concerned worms burrowing out and second-guessing how much of my character is me. I want to take her a couple of odd places, and am guessing these are not places my concerned family and friends what to envision me going. I will think on it.
Anyway, I felt a short explanation was due to my readers and since not all of you subscribe to the newsletter, I did it this way. Hope y'all don't mind...and if ya do, I am sure I'll hear about it.
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April 19 2012 4 19 /04 /April /2012 22:07

Note: See what ya get when the real writers are on sabbatical???


            As I travel toward my journey’s end, I find myself wandering the by-ways of days long past, more than planning the navigation of the roads before me. I seem to find special enjoyment when meandering down the bittersweet lanes, and stopping off at the melancholic rest areas, between the rare oases of my less-than-eventful life. I ask myself why I am traversing these avenues of memories; am I growing nostalgic for roads less traveled? Are regrets bubbling to the surface, much as marsh gasses in a stagnant pond? Whatever the motivation, I spend a lot of time in the past, finding memories that take me back to simpler times, though I must admit the term “simpler” has been added as I look back, not while I was living those times. Oh, to go back to a younger me and say: “Enjoy! This is not nearly as serious as you seem to think it is—it is just life”.


Rarely did an event warrant the degree of anguish or worry I would tend to put into it. And, in retrospect, I find that there was no correlation between the degree of anguish and the resulting outcome, that whether I worried a little or worried a lot, the problem got resolved. The resolution was usually apparent from the onset, and all the hair-pulling, and all the stressing did little more than to add time to getting to the resolution, and usually kept me from appreciating the resolution until much later.


I have resolved to do away with fretting over problems, rather to anticipate, with relish, the solutions; to no longer regret my ill-voiced comments, rather to think a bit before I speak; and to give my all to my partner—should I be blessed with another opportunity to share my life with someone—and not step away in the alienating throes of worry, rather to look to her and say: “Let’s enjoy discovering the solution together”.


It certainly seems simple to me. And should my cheeks get dirty, I still have plenty of those bittersweet memories that can readily liquefy and wash my cheeks clean, at a moment’s notice.


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April 14 2012 6 14 /04 /April /2012 05:27

            I was just on FaceBook and someone had posted a sign regarding the need to be happy alone as a prerequisite to being in a relationship; that loneliness is not a valid reason to enter into one. I agree that loneliness alone is not a valid reason, but if one were not feeling lonely why would one want to add another person to their life? The idea that another can add happiness to an all ready happy life is definitely valid, but how does that preclude the ability of sensing some degree of loneliness? If there were not something perceived as being missed, why would a person add on that thing? Be it kids, religion, a flat screen television, or another person. In the connotative usage of missing would not a sense of loneliness for such an addition be synonymously used?

            Tonight, crossing the yard I looked up and saw Venus in all its shining glory. I appreciated it beauty. I was alone. Had I another with me gazing into the heavens, would they not see Venus through their own perceptions? And in doing so, is it not likely that the combining of our two visions of the same Venus would add to its beauty? This is but one reason I wish to not be alone. I am greedy. I want as much beauty in my life as is possible and I fully believe that women, in particular, see things from a variant viewpoint, and when shared with a man’s viewpoint, both see the world more completely. A somewhat pale example of my thinking: viewed alone the Grand Canyon might appear to have been filmed in 8mm, but when seen with another, it would seem more as if it were filmed in full-color PanaVision, or most likely, somewhere between the two.

            When alone, do I like me? Yes, most of the time I like me just fine. I wish I were perfect so I could say all of the time. When I feel lonely, do I like me? Yes, most of the time, but liking me does not seem to keep me from feeling lonely.

            All this said for the following: all of the trite adages and freely espoused psycho-babble that maintains that a lonely person neither loves him self nor can be happy is totally erroneous. Some may have a lack of self-love, some may be unhappy, and some may be both. Some may be lonely, some may not. Some may love them self, some may be happy, and some may be both. Some may be lonely, some may not. It boils down to each of us is our own person and will have our own thoughts and feeling regarding loneliness, and to assume our loneliness stems from our inability to be alone with ourselves is just ignorant.

            I would love the chance to share the wondrous beauty all around us with a mate, and I would be polite enough to not gloat when the single people see a somewhat paler vista than shall we.

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April 13 2012 5 13 /04 /April /2012 19:40
·          Note: (Here is something different--a rant and not even mine. This was taken--with permission--from a FB friend's status. But I concur with that it sez. I rarely go "political", but felt obliged with this one...The Loon)                       
 In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent
form of government.
A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the
most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”
“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.
During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage; (
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.”
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn’t hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
“complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy,
with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached
the “governmental dependency” phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal’s – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.
If you are in favor of this, then by all means, ignore this message.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at
stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
This is truly scary!
Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .
Someone should point this out to Obama.
Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention
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April 8 2012 7 08 /04 /April /2012 15:58

(Note: Almost didn't post this as it was way too short to explain the demented thinking behind the hypothesis and is muddled, but I thought that in itself is how I feel about my life, so why not. I have always been a combination of pseudo-intellectual and muddled thinker, so if yer up to it, try to make sense outa it and let me know what I wrote. TY).


It’s funny, how the mind will illuminate something from the past and bring it to the forefront as if only yesterday, instead of yesteryear. You go along day-to-day, one day blending into another, more moving through life than living it. You seem to live your life vicariously through memory rather than dynamically through each days events at the time these events transpire.

As the days pass, life happens: you leave school, get a job, fall in love, get married, have kids, have grandkids, even have great grandkids; you get a job, quit that job and get another, and another, and another, finally settling into a career; your health is taken for granted—until it fails and the doctors and pharmaceuticals bring you back to close-to-normal, then it fails again, a cycle with shorter and shorter interludes of hale-and-hearty times, with each period of feeling good just a little less than the one before. Eventually you realize that things have turned topsy-turvy and that now both the body and the psyche have mostly down days and the good days are the ones noticed as they become rarer and of shorter duration.

You raised the kids for a couple of decades, bitching about what a hassle it is, all the while loving them with all your heart, but somewhat hopefully anticipating the day they begin their own life and move into their own house and out of yours. It is a combination of selflessness and selfishness: you want to see them stand on their own two feet, nature, and become successful; you want them to start their own families, both to provide the manna of your golden years—grandkids, and also so they can be tormented with their own willful children, driving them nuts, as did they to you—not exactly wanting revenge, but damn close to it; you want space, time, and quiet to get to know your significant other, the one who you married to spend your life with, to learn why you fell in love, to learn to love them more and more, to someday sit back and recount your life with them as you fill in one another’s gaps in memory.

About one third to one half your waking hours are devoted to work so your can provide a life for the family—a life and family you, at best directly participate less than one tenth of your time, what with all the distractions of yourself and of the other family members; distractions such as your friends, house and car repairs, attending required functions that either further your career, your social standing, or your church or civic duties.

Then there’s the distractions of your significant other, who has functions similar to yours, should she be a career-person, as well, or if she works at running the household, she has things such as maintaining the house, shopping, scheduling all the kids’ events, chauffeuring the kids to said events or to friend’s houses, etc.

And the kids have school, school functions, friends, the mall, sleeping whenever they can, television, electronic games where they live in virtual worlds for hours on end, and sundry other distractions.

Each segment of your life requires you to play a role: student, friend lover, husband, provider, father, teacher, and disciplinarian, amongst others. Many roles have sub-roles you have to play, such as a provider, depending on how the providing is achieved, may encompass roles such as: leader, co-worker, toady, sometime-teacher, sometime-student, salesman, etc. There are literally dozens of roles and sub-roles for each person during life, and these roles are not necessarily aligned to who you were, or who you are, but tend to influence who you will become.

All the foregoing is to allow the following statement: When we were young we thought we knew who we were, who we would become, and that this was a straight-line progression throughout our life. Yeah, right! I am so far off this life-line, I am sure whoever I once was would not recognize me, nor I , him.

My opening statement regarding the past arising as if yesterday is a factual statement, I just wonder about the fictional past that arises. The roles I have played, the scant time actually spent in direct familial activities, the effects of health on my psyche, and the simple passage of time, have sucked so much of me out of me, I cannot believe I remember an actuality rather than a heavily tinted—maybe tainted—creation of the committee I was during this passage through life. Does it matter?

Perception is reality. So, whether the memories are clear recollection of events, or merely the threads, from residual perceptions within me from each of life’s roles, woven into a mental wall-hanging, depicting how life seemed, doesn’t really matter. You would think this would reduce the power of these memories and their effect upon us. After all, why should these quasi-fictional memories not be edited to the point our past was idyllic, instead of mundane, or even horrible?

Would we be lying to ourselves with this editing of the fictional past compiled by the role-perceptions, the spatial-closure used to fill-in the ninety percent of the time we were not with our family, and the graying out as our brain deteriorates? Does this thinking lead to a happier dotage, or is it a prelude to dementia? Not sure I care.


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  • : poetry-doggeral-et-al's name
  • : A mix of poetry, doggeral (intentionally mispelled (sic) as it IS doggerel), stories, familial stuff, and disjointed thoughts, posted to hopefully elicit dailogue(s), arguments, and/or a reader's ideas, poetry, etc. It is not polished, not especially literate, certainly not universal--sorry, it is just me.
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  • poetry-doggeral-et-al
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.

NOTE--Please Read

For specific interests, please click on specific interest(s) found in category box below "Links"  on right side, below.

Poetry and Doggeral: Ken's poetry

Stories and Fables: Ken's Prose

Thot-Jots: Ken's ramblings on various things

Family: Ken's biographical and autobiographical items--probably of little interest to non-family, maybe not even them.

Other categories: self-evident--I hope


You may notice some refreshingly different poetry on the blog. It is from a friend of mine who goes by Eyeshy

My ex-son-in-law, David, has been published here, now, as well.

Another newby: happybluetoes. She writes glimpses, short stories, and poetry. Welcome her with a comment.

Neominini has his first contribution on the blog. If you like his songs please do two things: enter a comment at the end of the article, and go to links down on right side of Home Page and go to his web-site, where you can listen to his music. Enjoy. 

Elisha Kayne--a published author has kindly contributed to the blog. Check her out.


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Free text

My personal favorites:

The Girl With the Cheshire Grin--absolutely my current "kc" favorite poem(?)

In My Soul (poetry-doggeral)

Camelot (poetry-doggeral)

Rain (a friend's poetry)

Cathedral (thot jots)

Mystic Window 1&2 (poetry-doggeral)

Do ye ken

The Kiss

Why do I tremble

Miranda--a work in-process