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April 8 2012 7 08 /04 /April /2012 15:58

(Note: Almost didn't post this as it was way too short to explain the demented thinking behind the hypothesis and is muddled, but I thought that in itself is how I feel about my life, so why not. I have always been a combination of pseudo-intellectual and muddled thinker, so if yer up to it, try to make sense outa it and let me know what I wrote. TY).


It’s funny, how the mind will illuminate something from the past and bring it to the forefront as if only yesterday, instead of yesteryear. You go along day-to-day, one day blending into another, more moving through life than living it. You seem to live your life vicariously through memory rather than dynamically through each days events at the time these events transpire.

As the days pass, life happens: you leave school, get a job, fall in love, get married, have kids, have grandkids, even have great grandkids; you get a job, quit that job and get another, and another, and another, finally settling into a career; your health is taken for granted—until it fails and the doctors and pharmaceuticals bring you back to close-to-normal, then it fails again, a cycle with shorter and shorter interludes of hale-and-hearty times, with each period of feeling good just a little less than the one before. Eventually you realize that things have turned topsy-turvy and that now both the body and the psyche have mostly down days and the good days are the ones noticed as they become rarer and of shorter duration.

You raised the kids for a couple of decades, bitching about what a hassle it is, all the while loving them with all your heart, but somewhat hopefully anticipating the day they begin their own life and move into their own house and out of yours. It is a combination of selflessness and selfishness: you want to see them stand on their own two feet, nature, and become successful; you want them to start their own families, both to provide the manna of your golden years—grandkids, and also so they can be tormented with their own willful children, driving them nuts, as did they to you—not exactly wanting revenge, but damn close to it; you want space, time, and quiet to get to know your significant other, the one who you married to spend your life with, to learn why you fell in love, to learn to love them more and more, to someday sit back and recount your life with them as you fill in one another’s gaps in memory.

About one third to one half your waking hours are devoted to work so your can provide a life for the family—a life and family you, at best directly participate less than one tenth of your time, what with all the distractions of yourself and of the other family members; distractions such as your friends, house and car repairs, attending required functions that either further your career, your social standing, or your church or civic duties.

Then there’s the distractions of your significant other, who has functions similar to yours, should she be a career-person, as well, or if she works at running the household, she has things such as maintaining the house, shopping, scheduling all the kids’ events, chauffeuring the kids to said events or to friend’s houses, etc.

And the kids have school, school functions, friends, the mall, sleeping whenever they can, television, electronic games where they live in virtual worlds for hours on end, and sundry other distractions.

Each segment of your life requires you to play a role: student, friend lover, husband, provider, father, teacher, and disciplinarian, amongst others. Many roles have sub-roles you have to play, such as a provider, depending on how the providing is achieved, may encompass roles such as: leader, co-worker, toady, sometime-teacher, sometime-student, salesman, etc. There are literally dozens of roles and sub-roles for each person during life, and these roles are not necessarily aligned to who you were, or who you are, but tend to influence who you will become.

All the foregoing is to allow the following statement: When we were young we thought we knew who we were, who we would become, and that this was a straight-line progression throughout our life. Yeah, right! I am so far off this life-line, I am sure whoever I once was would not recognize me, nor I , him.

My opening statement regarding the past arising as if yesterday is a factual statement, I just wonder about the fictional past that arises. The roles I have played, the scant time actually spent in direct familial activities, the effects of health on my psyche, and the simple passage of time, have sucked so much of me out of me, I cannot believe I remember an actuality rather than a heavily tinted—maybe tainted—creation of the committee I was during this passage through life. Does it matter?

Perception is reality. So, whether the memories are clear recollection of events, or merely the threads, from residual perceptions within me from each of life’s roles, woven into a mental wall-hanging, depicting how life seemed, doesn’t really matter. You would think this would reduce the power of these memories and their effect upon us. After all, why should these quasi-fictional memories not be edited to the point our past was idyllic, instead of mundane, or even horrible?

Would we be lying to ourselves with this editing of the fictional past compiled by the role-perceptions, the spatial-closure used to fill-in the ninety percent of the time we were not with our family, and the graying out as our brain deteriorates? Does this thinking lead to a happier dotage, or is it a prelude to dementia? Not sure I care.


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<br /> Re: Onset of dementia...Well, I guess I'm kinda like a goose.  I wake up in a new world every morning...Most of the time...I've still got everything I need at my side, yesterday is gone and<br /> there is absolutely NoThing I can do about it or change it in any way. My biggest dilemma is making up my mind what I DO want in my life today.  Some things I can do something about and some<br /> I can't.  I can't MAKE anyone love me. I have to love myself and find joy and beauty in the very simplest of things.  I still have to maintain some semblance of responsibility for<br /> myself though because I've become accustomed and quite fond of feeling warm water running down my back at least once a day, but my mind doesn't have to always remain engaged.  And when it<br /> gets in the places that bring me pain, I get out of here and go help somebody else; because living alone tends to make me selfish and self centered. I WANT to be happy and I am the only one<br /> responsible for that ...practice, practice, practice... But then, I have NO IDEA what it takes to be a writer...putting yourself in someone elses place?  Acting??  Kevin Costner<br /> commented in an article a good while back about his life and attested to the realization that if his present condition at that time was a screenplay, he wouldn't like his character.  So he<br /> started rewriting the script... That made me think.  A lot.  Then it made me ACT..<br /> <br /> <br />  <br />


  • : poetry-doggeral-et-al's name
  • : A mix of poetry, doggeral (intentionally mispelled (sic) as it IS doggerel), stories, familial stuff, and disjointed thoughts, posted to hopefully elicit dailogue(s), arguments, and/or a reader's ideas, poetry, etc. It is not polished, not especially literate, certainly not universal--sorry, it is just me.
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  • poetry-doggeral-et-al
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.
  • A pre-pubescent brain in an aging shell. One of a million monkeys, pounding a million keyboards, for a million years, hoping to write one good poem. A dreamer.

NOTE--Please Read

For specific interests, please click on specific interest(s) found in category box below "Links"  on right side, below.

Poetry and Doggeral: Ken's poetry

Stories and Fables: Ken's Prose

Thot-Jots: Ken's ramblings on various things

Family: Ken's biographical and autobiographical items--probably of little interest to non-family, maybe not even them.

Other categories: self-evident--I hope


You may notice some refreshingly different poetry on the blog. It is from a friend of mine who goes by Eyeshy

My ex-son-in-law, David, has been published here, now, as well.

Another newby: happybluetoes. She writes glimpses, short stories, and poetry. Welcome her with a comment.

Neominini has his first contribution on the blog. If you like his songs please do two things: enter a comment at the end of the article, and go to links down on right side of Home Page and go to his web-site, where you can listen to his music. Enjoy. 

Elisha Kayne--a published author has kindly contributed to the blog. Check her out.


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Free text

My personal favorites:

The Girl With the Cheshire Grin--absolutely my current "kc" favorite poem(?)

In My Soul (poetry-doggeral)

Camelot (poetry-doggeral)

Rain (a friend's poetry)

Cathedral (thot jots)

Mystic Window 1&2 (poetry-doggeral)

Do ye ken

The Kiss

Why do I tremble

Miranda--a work in-process